Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Week 10 - Reading Diary B

This reading diary covers the fourth and final section of the graphic novel Krishna, Defender of Dharma. It covers pages 102 - 151.

Krishna, Defender of Dharma
The first story in the fourth section of this book is about the great battle of Kurukshetra. In this battle, the feud between the  Pandavas and Kauravas comes to a violent conclusion. Krishna gives aid to Yudhishthira by providing him guidance and wisdom about the coming battle. Krishna also gives guidance to Arjuna and other Pandavas in order to be successful in battle. After all of the fighting was done, the vast majority of both families had been slain in battle. One of the big things that stuck out to me about all of this was how Krishna spoke about the ideas of Dharma and Adharma. Dharma is essentially the idea that justice and righteousness will always prevail but only when people do what is necessary, even if it means doing something that doesn’t normally seem right. It makes me think of the phrase, “little evil for greater good.”

The second story in this section is about the finality of the Yadu dynasty. After the war of the Pandavas and the Kauravas was over, peace had spread all over the land. Dwarka had been affected by this as well but not in a good way. The warriors of this new peaceful era had grown lazy and arrogant and became complacent. A curse placed on Krishna set off a series of events that led to Krishna himself killing everyone while on their way to a ritual Krishna knew that the time had come for him to return to heaven and for the city of Dwarka to be reclaimed by the sea. To me, this story is about the finality of all things, even things that are good. One of the things that stuck out to me was how in peace, everyone had become arrogant and complacent. To me it shows that justice and righteousness often have to be fought for and earned.

I very much enjoyed reading this graphic novel. It provided colorful and interesting illustrations to add to everything that I was reading about the life of Krishna.

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