Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Week 7 Storytelling

Anti-Sith Deception

Bhima had lost his son. It was usually not acceptable for Jedi to fall in love and even think about having children. The Imperial order that had been enacted years before placed any remaining Jedi in tough times. The Pandavas were fortunate enough to already have a family before becoming Jedi, which was abnormal in itself. This had allowed them to remain undetected for a very long time.

Bhima’s mate, while not a Jedi, was still a force-sensitive. Their son named Ghatotkacha had been slain in battle by the sith Karna. He was highly skilled with a lightsaber but had been simply overwhelmed in battle. Bhima had been beside himself and struggled to suppress the negative emotions that were typically associated with the sith. He decided to focus his anger into more positive emotions. He came up with a plan to use deception, which is usually a sith tactic, against them. Fight fire with fire, he thought.
It was known that Drona, an older but powerful sith, had a special connection to his own son Ashwatthaman. There was a legend that Drona’s connection with his son was so strong that Drona could not be defeated as long as his son was still alive. Bhima’s plan was to trick Drona into believing that his own son was dead. This was no easy task. In order to make Drona believe the deception, they named an Eopie after Drona’s son. They then slaughtered this Eopie. Now Yudhishthira was known to be a very pure Jedi, strong in heart and mind. He was even known to the Sith as being so pure in the Jedi path of light that he was incapable of telling lies.

Rumor had been spread across the battlefield that Drona’s son had been slain. Drona couldn’t believe the words he had heard but didn’t ignore them completely. After many days of combat he was weary enough that he was unable to feel the connection with his son but this wasn’t uncommon. In order to confirm the rumor he called out to Yudhishthira. Yudhishthira confirmed that Ashwatthaman had in fact been slain. Drona’s heart sank.

Drona retreated in despair. His mind was so clouded that the thought of lightsaber combat seemed like it would drain him in seconds. His mind was weary and he needed to recuperate. He fell back to his own special commando unit and gave them orders to set out and attack some known targets. This was a huge oversight caused by his inability to think clearly. He left himself defenseless. Once his imperial commando unit had left him defenseless he was discovered by renowned Rebel general named Dhrishtadyumna. He snuck up on Drona, drew his vibroblade and swung it in the same motion. The general’s aim was true and he struck his target with great power and speed. The head of Drona was severed clean with little effort.

The general carried Drona’s head to the closest imperial command camp and threw it in amidst the staff and combatants that were there. Immediately distraught at such a sight, nearly all imperial combatants began to flee.

Title: Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists
Author: Sister Nivedita
Year: 1913

Author’s Note
For this story I wanted to retell the deception carried out in the story of the Death of Drona. I liked how the Pandavas decided to fight fire with fire and it worked out well. I decided to retell this story in a Star Wars setting again because I really enjoyed doing it was my last storytelling post.


  1. Hey Tyler!
    I really enjoyed your story. It was really entertaining. I liked how you modernized it and made it a little more relatable with the popularity of Star Wars today. One thing that caught my attention was the image you included. Isn’t that Legolas from Lord of the Rings with light sabers? Did you edit this picture yourself? Good Job Tyler!

  2. Okay, this is easily my favorite mash-up of stories ever. Star Wars and Indian Epics..too cool!! Plus, the picture you chose also managed to include Orlando Bloom, my childhood crush, so bonus points for that! haha! I appreciated how adeptly you combined the traits of the pandavas into the characteristics of jedis. I would love to read more about this twist on events!
